Sunday, 21 August 2011


Though it was a bit of a surprise to us we have puppies.  Not Cindy and Dante puppies but Bella and Gunner puppies we had a delivery of 2 puppies one male and one female they should be ready to go to their new forever homes after Sept 25.

Born July 31, 2011

Saturday, 23 July 2011


Well we hopefully have puppies on the way.  On the 28th of June we started breeding Cindy (Black and Tan) to Dante (Russian Wolf Sable) now we are just waiting on pins and needles to see if they were successful.  We will be ecstatic if successful.  Will keep our readers up to date. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, 19 June 2011


We are so excited yesterday we traveled to Sinuluta to go pick up our new additions.  They are all so beautiful and we be deeply loved by us.  All of our new boys and girls will be listed in out males and female sections.  Please check back regularly for updates on upcoming litters.  

Sunday, 15 May 2011

New Kennel

We are so happy, now we have a kennel so that our dogs and cats can go outside and relieve themselves or go out to play all on their own in a safe and secure area.  They seem to be very happy with this new system for them.

The new Kennel for the animals

What a nice sunny day

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Some Pics

Relaxing at home together

Siesta Time

Monday, 2 May 2011

Exciting times for us

We are so excited to be receiving more Pomeranian's to be adding to our family.  Hopefully within two more weeks at the latest we will be adding up to 8 more beautiful Poms to our little breeding family. These new additions will add more color and variety to our breeding efforts. Pictures to come later.